Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Workout Day 16

I did it! I woke up at 6:00 am got ready to go to the gym and ate a banana with some cottage cheese. After brushing my teeth, I got my sweater, my purse, and headed to the gym. I was feeling much better today than yesterday so the exercises went much smoother. I did not do any push ups, yay! Otherwise, all the exercises were tough but not extremely difficult were I could not manage.

I need to get to my project because if I don't I might not start any time soon. I love that at the moment I have the time to do things I've been planning for a while but had not have time to do them. My next project will be to paint the remaining gold fixtures in the bathroom but for now it will have to wait. I already spent about $100 dollars in paint for the bathroom and don't know how much I will have to spend for the remaining fixtures plus I think I need a break from painting fixtures. Okay, time for staining. Hope you all are having a great week.

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