Friday, January 15, 2010

Workout Day 5

After making sure my husband took his medicine, I went downstairs and ate a tangerine and headed to the gym. I keep saying that I need to get up before 8:00 a.m. before all the people get there but it just didn't happen. So, I got to the gym around 9:00 a.m. and the parking lot was full well almost so I had to park all the way in the back (luckily I did not have to park outside the parking lot!). Once there, I immediately hopped on the elliptical for 45 minutes while watching the show "Charmed." I really like that show so it makes the time fly by. Then I grabbed my bag and headed to the workout room and grabbed the weights. Once I started working out, I realized that I had to skip my first circuit because someone was using the machine I needed : (. But that did not stop me from continuing with the circuit once they were done using the machine I used it so everything worked out. The hardest exercise I did today were mountain climbers. I'm starting to feel physically stronger and less out of breath when I do this exercise. I'm just glad all the circuits went very smooth and I was successful. At the end of all the circuits, I was feeling so energized that I repeated all 5 circuits again and I made it. Now is time for me to get in the shower and go buy some chicken to make chicken soup for my hubby.

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