Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Workout Day 8 & 9

I have not posted anything in three days. I just have been very busy especially since I took on a new project. My plan was to paint the shower floor because it was very stained and I wanted to give it a fresh look; however, I ended up taking the shower door and side panels off, and now my small project turned into a bigger project. So, now I will clean the metal of the door and panels so I can paint it since I really dislike the gold tone it has at the moment. I chose a satin nickel tone to paint the metal to match other previously purchased accessories we bought. Personally, I think anything will look better than gold! I painted the shower floor white and it looks 100 times better than before. I started the project on Saturday since I was trying to take advantage that my husband would not be home and would not have to smell the strong fumes of the paint being that he is still getting over a cold/flu. It took me all day and after 5 coats of paint voila I was done. I was amazed of how easy it was. Taking the shower door and side panels took a little force but not too bad. The only annoying part is taking all the old caulk from the metal parts so I can start paining.

On Sunday, my mom, sister and I decided to go visit my cousin Esperanza whom had a baby about 4 months ago. Steve and I decided that it was better for him to stay home to prevent the chance of the baby to catch whatever he has. The baby's name is Isabella. She is so cute, smart, and aware of everything. My cousin already taught her not to pull her hair and amazingly she did not pulled mine either or grabbed my earrings. Once we got to their place, we stayed for about an hour and went out to lunch to a Korean restaurant in Berkeley, CA. I totally love Isabella she did not whine or cry at all while we ate. After that we passed by a bakery and grabbed a few donuts (oh, well, it was my cheating day). We went back to Esperanza's place and ate the donuts with some coffee. Overall, it was a fun time since we don't see them very often which we should.

After two days off from my workout (recommended by Jillian Michaels), I went back to the gym on day 8 (Monday). I did a similar routine from previous workout but differing from a few new exercises. For example, I attempted on a Scorpion push-up which was hard since you are only on one leg instead of two and the other leg is up on the air like a scorpion ; ). One exercise I really enjoyed was the wood chopper since I never have done anything like it but it felt good. Another exercise I liked was the hanging abs with a twist which made it difficult for me since I had to find a stepper to reach the handles since I'm vertically challenged, lol.

On day 9 (Tuesday), I went to the gym and had a great workout. Since I got there really early at 7:00 a.m., it felt tranquil and quiet. Maybe because it was raining hard and so winded people chose not go to the gym so early which works great for me! Today the hardest exercise I performed was the back kick with shoulder press which takes a lot of balancing and leg strength that I'm building up slowly. Another hard exercise I liked but it was tough was the pike crunch which requires you to balance as you use your core and man you can really feel your abs working. Overall, my workout went smooth and I really worked hard.

Now, I need to get back to my projects and hopefully I will finish by Friday because we will be having my cousin Esperanza over with her family on Sunday. I hope I can finish by then!

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