Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Green Sauce with Habaneros

I love this sauce. I usually order it when I go to a Mexican restaurant but it varies too much from one restaurant to the other. Pretty much saying that I do get disappointed at times. So, over the years I have learned to make my own version with a little help of a very special friend that is not with us any longer but will always remember her and cherish the time I spent with her. I dedicate this recipe of my own to my dear friend Marina.

* Recommend going to a Mexican market as they tend to have more fresh produce and finding the tomatillos will be a much safer bet.

- 10-15 green tomatillos (depending on size and how much you want to make), make sure that when you pick them they are not too ripe.
- salt to taste
- 2 medium size yellow onions (again depending on how much sauce you are making)
- garlic, I use a lot but maybe half a head of garlic will work
- habanero, I usually use 1 and 1/2 or more depending on size and how spicy I would like to make my sauce which depends on who will be eating.

The actual process is very simple but I will make sure to over explain. So, get a big pot. Tomatillos have a husk layer that needs to be remove but don't peel off the actual skin of the tomatillo. Make sure you truly rinse and wash the tomatillos because they tend to be a bit duty and have a sliminess feel to them. I usually use some water with a little dish soap and dump them in it as I rub them well using my hand and rinse well.

Once the tomatillos are clean, I place them in the pot with the yellow onions, garlic, and habanero sauce. Fill the pot with water almost to the top and set stove top to high. Once the tomatillos's skin breaks a bit or look swollen and the skin begins to look yellowish then they are ready to be blended. Depending on the type of blender you have, I recommend letting the water cool before blending. My blender can be use as a food processor so I don't have to worry about liquid spilling over. Just make sure to keep a tight hold on the top of the lid and don't fill the blender cup all the way to the top. Since the tomatillos already got filled with water as they boil, just add the tomatillos, onions, garlic, and habanero without adding too much water. Once in a while I open up the top cover to let some steam out and keep on blending while using the food processor mode. If you are just using your regular setting on the blender, make sure to blend enough so you don't have big chunks of tomatillos or onions.

Do this in parts as it is better than filling up the blender and having it spill over as you blend. Just add as much water as needed because otherwise the sauce will be too watery. So, you be the judge as you blend and add water if needed. Again remember, that it all depends on how thick or thin you would like your sauce to be. As you blend, add salt to the sauce making sure you taste it as you add. I like the sauce to be a little tangy or sweet (this depends on the tomatillos sometimes they will be tangy or a little sweet and tangy) so I add enough so I can taste the salt but some of the tanginess or sweetness or both remains. You are done. Now you may use it to make chilaquiles, burritos, enchiladas, chile rellenos, etc. Hope you like my instructions and the sauce. I might make this soon so I will post a picture of how it looks when I make the sauce.

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