Friday, June 4, 2010

Loving Summer...

I've been very lazy for the last 2 weeks. First week, I got very sick because of allergy symptoms. It seems that the older I get, the more allergies I have. I stopped my 'Insanity' workout for an entire week then I took the second week off as well just because. None the less, I'm enjoying my time at home with my hubby as he has been getting home much earlier from work. It is so nice just hanging out. This week we have focus on working on our home. So, yesterday we work on the front of the house on pulling weeds, cutting grass, and sweeping after wards. I love it when my husband gets all motivated as I get in the same mood. Today, I've decided to pick up our mess in our room, vacuum, clean our shower and toilet, made our bed, and do some laundry. It seems as a lot but once I get everything done I will feel so much better. I love having a organize and clean room even though at times it may seem impossible as we get busy through our daily busy lives.

This summer seems to be a more laid back one since I'm not in school and won't be taking any classes until August. I will be looking for a part-time job to work. I recently got an interview set for Monday to work as a hostess at the I-hop in Tracy. I know it won't be high paying job but for the mean time it beats not working at all. Then hopefully once school starts again in Tracy, I will be call in to work also as a substitute teacher. Good thing the EMT class is only twice a week and at night which makes it more open for me to work during the day. As for Steve, he is also looking for a teaching job closer to our home. He got laid off again as he does not have seniority. He even had two interviews this week. One was at a continuation school in Manteca and another was in Lathroph high school in Lathroph. The Manteca job is related more with technology and art while the Lathroph job will be more related to what he already does PE. In the mean time, he is still hoping to look for a job in Tracy though but it seems that at the moment it may not be happening. In Tracy, they seem to not be laying off teachers but instead spreading them between the older high schools and the new high school they just finished building this year. The good thing is that he does have a business degree which he can utilize but I know deep inside he would not want a 9-5 job in which he would not be able to coach baseball. I'm really hoping he does find a job that will allow him to not only continue teaching but also coach baseball in the afternoon. He has had such an amazing experience coaching at West High School that he wants to continue building his experience upon this program. I just hope it all works out. On the meantime, will continue to find a job myself doing anything I can. At least, the I-hop job will be a starting point for me to get out there and make a few bucks.

On a different topic, I have changed my blog title because I've noticed that other blogs have the same title. I feel that this title fits me better as I tend to talk about random things that are on my mind. I've tried to keep my recipes up to date but lately I've been running out of steam. I guess cooking daily does not get too exciting after a while. Don't get me wrong, I love cooking for my family but there are days that I just don't feel like cooking anything! But pretty much this blog is for me to express how I'm feeling or to share my thought with people. Being said, hope you guys enjoy it!

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